Οι European Network on Independent Living και European Coalition for Community Living έχουν ξεκινήσει μια καμπάνια για την αποασυλοποίηση στην Ευρώπη.
Καλούν τις κυβερνήσεις και όλες τις αρμόδιες αρχές των κρατών-μελών της Ε.Ε.:
- να αναπτύξουν ποιοτικές κοινοτικές δομές και υπηρεσίες
- να διακόψουν τη χρηματοδότηση και τη λειτουργία νέων ιδρυμάτων
- να σταματήσουν τις εισαγωγές στα υπάρχοντα ιδρύματα μακράς παραμονής
- να επικυρώσουν τη Σύμβαση για τα Δικαιώματα των Ατόμων με Αναπηρία και το Προαιρετικό Πρωτόκολλο
Για τον παραπάνω σκοπό ζητούν από τους πολίτες της Ε.Ε. να υπογράψουν την σχετική αίτηση
Ακολουθεί το κείμενο της καμπάνιας:
Across Europe, thousands of disabled people still spend their lives inappropriately and unjustifiably segregated from society. With a severe lack, or complete absence, of community-based services in many European countries, untold numbers of people with disabilities have no access to quality alternatives to institutional care.
The segregation of people with disabilities in long-stay residential institutions is in itself a violation of disabled people's human rights.
To ensure that people can move into the community, and will no longer need to live in long-stay residential institutions [1], it is essential that governments, service providers and funding agencies commit to shifting the funding from long stay institutions to community-based services. They must focus on the development of quality community-based services that are available to everyone who needs them.
Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides that all disabled people have the right to live and participate in the community. Comprehensive, quality community-based services must therefore be available and accessible to all people with disabilities, including people with complex dependency needs.
ENIL and ECCL call on:
Relevant authorities, government agencies, political bodies, service providers and funding agencies:
- To actively develop quality, comprehensive community-based services that comply with the following basic quality standards:
-Location within a local community
-Opportunities to interact with other members of the local community
-Respect for each person's personal space, privacy and property
-Availability of the necessary personal support for each disabled person
- To stop financing or otherwise supporting the establishment of new long stay institutions for any group of disabled people;
- To stop new admissions to existing long stay institutions and provide quality community-based services instead of placing people in institutions;
- To ratify without reservations the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol.
Relevant organisations and members of the public:
- To support the right of all people with disabilities to live in the community as equal citizens;
- To support the development of quality, comprehensive community-based alternatives to institutional care.
[1] We use the following definition of the term "institution":
"An institution is any place in which people who have been labelled as having a disability are isolated, segregated and/or compelled to live together. An institution is also any place in which people do not have, or are not allowed to exercise control over their lives and their day-to-day decisions. An institution is not defined merely by its size."
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Καλούν τις κυβερνήσεις και όλες τις αρμόδιες αρχές των κρατών-μελών της Ε.Ε.:
- να αναπτύξουν ποιοτικές κοινοτικές δομές και υπηρεσίες
- να διακόψουν τη χρηματοδότηση και τη λειτουργία νέων ιδρυμάτων
- να σταματήσουν τις εισαγωγές στα υπάρχοντα ιδρύματα μακράς παραμονής
- να επικυρώσουν τη Σύμβαση για τα Δικαιώματα των Ατόμων με Αναπηρία και το Προαιρετικό Πρωτόκολλο
Για τον παραπάνω σκοπό ζητούν από τους πολίτες της Ε.Ε. να υπογράψουν την σχετική αίτηση
Ακολουθεί το κείμενο της καμπάνιας:
Across Europe, thousands of disabled people still spend their lives inappropriately and unjustifiably segregated from society. With a severe lack, or complete absence, of community-based services in many European countries, untold numbers of people with disabilities have no access to quality alternatives to institutional care.
The segregation of people with disabilities in long-stay residential institutions is in itself a violation of disabled people's human rights.
To ensure that people can move into the community, and will no longer need to live in long-stay residential institutions [1], it is essential that governments, service providers and funding agencies commit to shifting the funding from long stay institutions to community-based services. They must focus on the development of quality community-based services that are available to everyone who needs them.
Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides that all disabled people have the right to live and participate in the community. Comprehensive, quality community-based services must therefore be available and accessible to all people with disabilities, including people with complex dependency needs.
ENIL and ECCL call on:
Relevant authorities, government agencies, political bodies, service providers and funding agencies:
- To actively develop quality, comprehensive community-based services that comply with the following basic quality standards:
-Location within a local community
-Opportunities to interact with other members of the local community
-Respect for each person's personal space, privacy and property
-Availability of the necessary personal support for each disabled person
- To stop financing or otherwise supporting the establishment of new long stay institutions for any group of disabled people;
- To stop new admissions to existing long stay institutions and provide quality community-based services instead of placing people in institutions;
- To ratify without reservations the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol.
Relevant organisations and members of the public:
- To support the right of all people with disabilities to live in the community as equal citizens;
- To support the development of quality, comprehensive community-based alternatives to institutional care.
[1] We use the following definition of the term "institution":
"An institution is any place in which people who have been labelled as having a disability are isolated, segregated and/or compelled to live together. An institution is also any place in which people do not have, or are not allowed to exercise control over their lives and their day-to-day decisions. An institution is not defined merely by its size."
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4 σχόλια:
thanks for the link.
Υγεία-συντροφικότητα με τους αγαπημένους σας και μια πολύ καλή φιλική σχέση με τον εαυτό σας…..
Το χαρμόσυνο κλίμα των ημερών να περάσει την πόρτα του σπιτιού σας .
Στο Νέο έτος ας προσπαθήσουμε να αναβαθμιστεί η ποιότητα της Ζωής όλου του κόσμου !
emma και εγώ σε ευχαριστώ που συμβάλεις στην προσπάθεια συλλογής υπογραφών
λυγερη, ευχαριστούμε για τις ευχές και το αισιόδοξο μήνυμα. Καλές γιορτές.
Δεν επιτρέπονται νέα σχόλια.